Sunday, 27 June 2010

Teenage Parenting 101: Avoid The Biggest Mistakes

Teenage parenting is one of the most difficult stages of parenthood. During the teen years, your child explores his world. He opens up and joins social circles. This stage is critical to most parents. If they fail to enforce the right parenting style that's best for their child, things can go the wrong way.

Avoid the mistakes that most parents make. We would like to share with you these effective parenting advices that can help you guide your teenager.

1. Do not lecture. We all want our teenagers to become responsible adults in the long run. Lecturing is a big no-no in teenage parenting. Problems that arise should be taken as an opportunity to teach our sons or daughters. We should avoid treating them like children not because they no longer need guidance but because they deserve to be treated like real adults. Discuss, negotiate, and understand the needs of your budding adults. While they need their parent's guidance to keep them on the right track, they do not need to be under suffocating control.

2. Do not ignore the obvious. It is normal for most teenagers to miss classes, sleep late, miss curfew, etc. While all these are part of growing up, parents should not ignore such actions. Do not wait for the situation to worsen. Talk to your teens without sounding too authoritative. Understand their sentiments. This is the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him as a friend and not as a parent.

3. Do not break your rules. Most parents find it very easy to create rules or punishments. “You are not allowed to go out with your friends for one week.” “You are not allowed to play online games on week nights!” It is very important that you make all the consequences of the rules very clear to your teenagers. Breaking your own rules will make it easier for your teenager to them as well.

4. Do not set unreasonable goals. Every goal that you set needs to be attainable. Each goal should allow your child to maximize his potentials based on his abilities. For instance, if your child needs academic help, consider local tutoring to help him overcome his difficulties.

5. Do not point out the negative. Nobody is perfect. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspect, give praises or encouragement. A positive feedback sustains his motivation and increases confidence as well.

Teenage parenting is challenging so always keep these parenting tips in mind as you raise your teens and turn them into successful adults.

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