Monday, 28 June 2010

Teach Your Child To Share

One of the most valuable lessons that you could teach your child is the importance of “sharing.” As the old saying goes, “Sharing is caring.” Kids learn by example. As parents, you are your child's best role model. How you behave in front of them plays a very influential role in how they become in the future. If your child sees you sharing with other people, this will encourage them to do the same thing.

In this article, we are sharing with some beat parenting tips that can help you teach your kids to share.

 Explain to your toddlers the importance of sharing. Tell him that being greedy or not sharing with other people could cause his friends to not want to share with him as well. If he wants to borrow the toys of his playmates, he needs to share his toys.

 Do not yell. Effective parenting advices always tell you to talk to your kids a level that they can understand. Shouting is a big no-no. This does not only scare your toddlers, this also increases their curiosity. What happens if I do not follow what Mommy tells me to? What will Daddy do if I do otherwise? If you want to be understood, sit down and explain everything to him in a way that can be easily understood.

 Explain the happiness that sharing causes to other people. Teach your kids to think of how happy he can be if he shares his things with his friends. More than that, explain to him how sharing makes other people happy. To make his understand this better, encourage him to give out old toys or clothes to charities. It would be best if you can take him with you and if you could allow him to hand the gifts on his own to the needy.

 Start young. Good parenting tips can be practiced at a young age. When they are a few months old, teach them the importance of sharing through a simple game. Hand him a toy and whenever he gives it back to you, show him how happy it makes you by smiling profusely and by giving him a big hug. This will make him realize that giving makes people happy.

Remember these parenting tips when teaching the concept of sharing to toddlers may be difficult to some parents, bear in mind that this could be a stage that they are soon to outgrow. As mentioned, the best parenting tips is by setting yourself as an example. Be an role model and everything will fall into the right places.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Good Parenting Tips For Single Moms

Without any doubt, parenting is considered as one of life's hardest tasks. It even doubles, sometimes even triples, in the case of single mothers. However, that does not mean that single moms have less chances of raising wonderful kids. With the right parenting style, you can improve your relationship with your children and turn them into successful and well-disciplined adults in the future.

Below are good parenting tips that can help single moms in raising their children.

 Organize. Organization plays a big role. Planning your weekly menus and weekly groceries in advance allows you to save up a lot of money. It also gives keeps you more focused on the more important aspects of parenthood. In my case, I always ensure that my kids eat a healthy diet all the time. Every Sunday, I come up with healthy yet easy-to-cook menus that I can serve my kids for the whole week. This does not only keep my boys healthy, it also saves my time. I no longer need to worry about what to cook for each meal. I just follow the weekly menu.

 Communicate. Communication is very important especially when your kids reach their teen years. One common mistake that most parents make is the failure to listen. Bear in mind that being physically there for your child does not necessarily mean that you understand him. Teenage parenting can be a huge challenge. Reading good parenting tips may help but in the end, it's all about how you handle your own situation.

 Relax. It may not be easy being a single mom but this should not stop you from finding time for yourself. Indulge yourself every once in a while. Do not be afraid to meet new people.

 Budget. One of the downsides of being a single mom is that you have no one to share expenses with. This is why budgeting for single mothers is very important. Budget expenses ahead of time.

 Find a support group. It helps if you find a group who you can turn to whenever you need them. They can be your family, your girl friends or your colleagues.

Parenting is a huge challenge but always bear in mind that everybody is capable of raising wonderful children. Single parents should stay positive and remain strong all throughout. Do not hesitate to seek for effective parenting advices. You don't always need to find a good partner because you can surely be the world's best mother even when you are on your own. The good parenting tips above will

Teenage Parenting 101: Avoid The Biggest Mistakes

Teenage parenting is one of the most difficult stages of parenthood. During the teen years, your child explores his world. He opens up and joins social circles. This stage is critical to most parents. If they fail to enforce the right parenting style that's best for their child, things can go the wrong way.

Avoid the mistakes that most parents make. We would like to share with you these effective parenting advices that can help you guide your teenager.

1. Do not lecture. We all want our teenagers to become responsible adults in the long run. Lecturing is a big no-no in teenage parenting. Problems that arise should be taken as an opportunity to teach our sons or daughters. We should avoid treating them like children not because they no longer need guidance but because they deserve to be treated like real adults. Discuss, negotiate, and understand the needs of your budding adults. While they need their parent's guidance to keep them on the right track, they do not need to be under suffocating control.

2. Do not ignore the obvious. It is normal for most teenagers to miss classes, sleep late, miss curfew, etc. While all these are part of growing up, parents should not ignore such actions. Do not wait for the situation to worsen. Talk to your teens without sounding too authoritative. Understand their sentiments. This is the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him as a friend and not as a parent.

3. Do not break your rules. Most parents find it very easy to create rules or punishments. “You are not allowed to go out with your friends for one week.” “You are not allowed to play online games on week nights!” It is very important that you make all the consequences of the rules very clear to your teenagers. Breaking your own rules will make it easier for your teenager to them as well.

4. Do not set unreasonable goals. Every goal that you set needs to be attainable. Each goal should allow your child to maximize his potentials based on his abilities. For instance, if your child needs academic help, consider local tutoring to help him overcome his difficulties.

5. Do not point out the negative. Nobody is perfect. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspect, give praises or encouragement. A positive feedback sustains his motivation and increases confidence as well.

Teenage parenting is challenging so always keep these parenting tips in mind as you raise your teens and turn them into successful adults.

8 Tips for Good Parenting Skills

They say that parenthood is probably the most difficult task that you can encounter in your entire life. Good parenthood is a huge challenge. We all want to be the best parents we could ever be to our kids. But no matter how hard we try to be the world's most successful mom and dad, we always feel that we're not good enough.

Effective parenting styles vary from one parent to another. We have listed down 8 tips for good parenting that can help you improve your skills as a parent and hopefully enhance relationship with your kids as well.

1. Always be there. Kids especially those in their toddler stage want and need the physical presence of their parents. No matter how busy work seems to be, always allot some of your time to be with your children.

2. Listen. Bear in mind that “being there” is very different from “being there physically.” When they have something to say, don't just hear them, listen to them.

3. Support your husband or your wife. To be good parents to your kids, you need to be a good partner to your husband or wife. Whether or not you live together, find a set-up that's favorable to you, to your partner, and to your kids.

4. Feel free to disagree appropriately with your partner. Teenage parenting is one of the hardest stages of being a parent. Naturally, you would want to raise your kids according to how you were raised by your parents. Disagreement is normal in parenthood but it is how you resolve the differences that matter the most.

5. Know the people in your child's world. Find time to know your kid's teachers, dentists, nannies, and everybody who interacts with your little ones.

6. Always find time for play. One of the best ways to develop instant connection with your kids is to play with them. As mentioned, every kid longs for physical bonding. They want to be with their parents as much as possible. Wrestle with them. Read stories.

7. Be a good example. Kids, especially those in their toddler stage, are like sponges. They absorb almost everything they see. Set yourself as a good example.

8. Hug them and tell them that you love them as often as you can. A mother's touch does magic. A simple hug or a kiss before they leave for school can make them feel special.

Yes, to have best parenting skills may be a challenge. It is a long learning process. You learn as you go along so equip yourself with effective parenting advices.